College Readiness

ready bollege career life

College Research Tools

Explore & research colleges, majors, careers, and financial aid.
Search colleges by your preferences.

Research colleges, communicate with colleges to learn about their campus & admissions through an online platform, understand admissions stats and selectivity of colleges, and look for scholarships

Explore colleges through a financial aid lens. See what types of merit scholarships you can receive from schools BEFORE you apply! Create an account and earn microscholarships from colleges across the U.S. for things you're already doing in high school (taking AP classes, joining a club/sport, earn A's, & B's, etc.)

Research schools in the western part of the U.S. that give discounts to AZ residents! Most schools offer some portion of instate tuition instead of paying expensive out of state tuition. Check each school's individual website for their specific requirements to qualify for the WUE tuition discount.

The Net Price Calculator is a powerful tool in helping students and their families plan for college financially. Enter family financial information for an institution and it will give you an estimate of costs for what one year of undergraduate study would cost.

Are you the first in your family to go to college?

Check out the above links to help you with college planning!

get ready for college

Career Readiness

What is Career Readiness?

Preparing students with the information they need to succeed when they’re entering the job market.

Why is Career Readiness Important?

Students need to learn the skills succeed in real-world jobs.